名 称: | 【盛世龙尊】 |
净含量: | 500ml |
酒精度: | 50%(vol) |
简 介: |
相传,一青龙从南台泉口跨入巴河,“天地震荡,回薄无穷;日月迭驾,分割玄穹;雷劈碧落,电掣霓虹”。江口醇集团特研发龙尊江口醇酒,以此志记。饮之尽显“乘六龙以御天”的豪迈情怀,激发“天行健,君子以自强不息”的奋发精魂 It is said that a black dragon jumped into Ba River through Nantai Spring, at the time "heaven and earth were rocked violently; the sun and the moon emerged at the same in the huge space; lightning was cutting clouds and rainbow falling down". Jiangkouchun Group now has developed Shengshilongzun Liquor in memory of the legend. Drink it, you may have a heroic feeling and a spirit of “As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection ". |
泸州叙永:5所新学校9 |
九寨沟景区2023年游客 |
消防川北战区(巴中) |
“星火杯”2023年四川 |
没有任何图片资讯 |
没有任何图片娱乐 |
没有任何图片娱乐 |
没有任何图片旅游 |
没有任何图片旅游 |
江口醇荣获2010年“中 |
气络学说指导八子补肾 |
金动力教育答疑:没有 |